Clinical data search

Find the right clinical data, right away

Provide your team with faster access to the right clinical insights they are looking for, with semantic search on your clinical data. Search inside a specific patient’s health records and reports, or rapidly review and segment a specific cohort within your patient population.
Clinical data search

Unleash your clinical records and supercharge your care team

The ultimate EMR sidekick
Deploy Health-grade Search directly into your existing application, to complement existing EMR workflows and unlock your clinical data without the need for users to adapt or add a new application.
Dive deeper on every search
Seamlessly search on the content inside clinical records, files, and reports, rather than a simple metadata match. This ensures each search finds and surfaces the most relevant data, and greatly reduces time to answer in clinical workflows.
Minimize time, maximize efficiency
Clinia’s Health-grade Search supports natural language queries, eliminating the need for complex query formulations. This means healthcare providers can search using everyday language, making it quicker and easier to find the exact information needed without specialized training or search skills.
Health-grade search
Discover more use cases

The right answer, every time

Health Content Search
Provider Management
Preferred Provider Navigation
For Providers
For Patients & Members

Accelerate speed to answer

Speed up finding the right trusted health content, and get back to patient care.
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Health Content Search
Health Content Search
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