Unified Provider Management

Streamline provider management in a single platform

Reduce manual data review and processing and speed up provider workflows, with a single unified provider registry platform, purpose built for health data. Unify complex multi-source provider datasets and unlock the full potential of your proprietary data.
Unified Provider Management

Make manual provider management workflows a job of the past

Less busy work, for all
Unify multiple data sources and create a single source of truth across the entire organization. Automate ingestion review and data augmentation to reduce manual review workflows for your teams, clinicians, and data stewards.
All your data, in one place
No more uncertainty about data freshness, worries about version status, or concerns about data security. Clinia provides a fully-integrated platform to manage your data with ease. With our intuitive UI, searching, filtering, reviewing, and finding data within your ecosystem is simple and secure.
Unlock your data
Deploy a future-proof master data store, ready to power the needs of your organization today, and scale to the demands of tomorrow. Create a new computed view from selected attributes and data sources, to power applications and systems via secure API access, or deploy our Health-grade Search to power search & navigation experiences.
Health Data Fabric
Discover more use cases

The right answer, every time

Clinical Data Search
Health Content Search
Preferred Provider Navigation
For Providers

Find the right clinical data, right away

Elevate patient search and record lookup workflows, within your EMR or EHR.
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Clinical Data Search
Clinical Data Search
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