Provider Search

Make it easy for patients to access in-network providers

Deploy Health-grade natural language search and generative experiences to support users find the right provider for their condition, through a simple chat or quick search, all powered by your trusted and curated data.
Provider Search

Simplify preferred provider search and increase network utilization

Chat or search using natural language
Deliver trustworthy conversational guidance, optimized to understand patient queries where medical knowledge or terminology may be limited.
Reduce leakage and optimize routing
Create your trusted point of entry to easily access in network and preferred providers - to reduce leakage and guide users to preferred actions through curated results and optimized ranking.
Manage resources across your organization
Simplify data management with automated matching and deduplication, and enable data stewards and care teams to easily manage, review, and refine resources from across your ecosystem.
Health-grade search
Use cases
Patient Chart Search
Patient Cohort Search
Knowledge Search
Patient Education
Health Data Repository
I want my providers to...

Search patient data inside the EMR

Find the right clinical data, right away
Help clinicians find the patient information they need, from inside a patient’s health record.
Patient Chart Search
Patient Chart Search
Patient Chart Search